
USA-Baja California-CANADA up to Alaska.

That's my Travelmachine, an XR 600R. (Seaside, C.A.)

Stars like Martin & me in Hollywood!

There's no way to go anywhere.....it's a Death End. Too much snow at the Yosimite.

Martin & me in the Redwoodforest at the Sequoia Natl. Park. (C.A.)

Me at the fantastic Monument Valley.

Like every real Westernfan, You've got to stay right here with You're Metalhorse! One of the most Beautiful Scenery in the World!

Martin stands on his XRV650, what a feeling!

Me underneath the Delicate Arch at the Arches Natl. Park.

Martin & Me enjoying the gorgous scenery of the Bryce Canyon.

Martin got a flat Tyre on his XRV 650 in the Nevada Desert, towards Las Vegas.

Me at the famous Devils Tower.

Martin and me entering the Alaska Highway!

We enjoying every Night at a wooden Fire! It's good to have an Axe and Saw on my XR!

Here in Watson Lake at the Sign Post Forest!

Das Szene Restaurant Chilkoot Charlies hier in Ancorage mit einem speziellen Flair.
